Our main number, toll free is 877-511-2228
Our local number is 812-944-8603
And for general information, our email is sales@accuprintink.com
What file format should the artwork be provided in?
The preferred file format is a press quality PDF (300 dpi). Please include .125" bleeds on all sides. We also accept native Adobe file formats, PageMaker, QuarkXpress, or FreeHand. Please ensure that all fonts are ‘converted to outlines’ or ‘converted to paths’ Please be advised: Word Documents, Publisher documents and low-resolution images (GIF, JPEG, BMP, etc.) cannot be used as acceptable artwork.
Can you help me design the artwork?
Yes. Please e-mail us with photos you would like to use, your logo, etc. We will take these separate elements and combine them into a professional final product, and then send over a proof for your review and revision. Please provide high resolution images, preferably at 300 dpi. Low resolution images will result in a pixilated imprint.
Do I need my own USPS mail permit number?
If we're handling the mailing for you, we can use our mail permit so having your own is not necessary. We can insert a mail permit in position in your artwork when we prepare the proof for your review and approval.
Do you have an artwork template?
Yes. Give us a call or email and we'll send it to you.
Can I request a proof?
No need to request a proof - a free electronic PDF proof is provided for every order. This proof is used to show you color and/or color breaks, but is NOT an exact color matching system.
Can I use PMS colors?
Yes. We also offer spot color matching for an additional charge.
Do you provide copy changes?
Yes, at no charge.
Where should I send my artwork to get started?
Feel free to email sales@accuprintink.com or simply click on the FTP site link on our home page to upload artwork. You will receive a confirmation when the artwork has been received on our end.
Can you mail magnets?
Yes, Accumags are magnetic postcards that are approved to mail as a solo mailer by the USPS.
How are Accumags classified for mailing?
Accumags are classified as a letter. They mail at automation rates and are automation compatible.
How much does it cost to mail a magnet postcard mailer?
Current letter-rate postage for mailing the Accumag:
First Class: $0.44
Bulk Mailing: minimum of 200 pieces Saturation: $0.182 (full carrier routes)
High Density: $0.193 (partial carrier routes)
Basic: $0.262 (minimum of 10 in carrier route)
Actual postage will be calculated based on the saturation level of your data. Discounts for higher levels of saturation will be applied. Mail list, mail preparation and delivery to the post office are additional service charges.
Can I buy a mailing list from you?
Yes, we can profile a radius of addresses your a location or stay within a specific trade area. We provide you with a breakdown of mailing routes and trade area maps for your review and approval.
Can I provide the mailing list for addressing?
Yes - please provide in an Excel compatible file (.xls, xlsx, csv, etc.)
What data format do I need to provide for my mailing list?
The mailing list can only be processed in an excel compatible format. The data must be divided into separate columns: Name Info, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip. The list cannot be processed for mailing unless these items are in separate columns. Actual postage will be calculated based on the saturation level of your data. Discounts for higher levels of saturation will be applied.
How do I get my order started?
Download the order form and fax or email details of your order any artwork to your Sales Associate or sales@accuprintink.com. Feel free to contact one of our Sales Associates at 877-511-2228 with any questions.
Is it a good investment to use Accumags?
The Accumag magnet postcards certainly stand out in the mailbox. Everyone loves magnets. People keep magnets. People display magnets. The Accumag turns refrigerators and file cabinets into billboards generating long-term brand exposure and response rates. Accumag customers see extremely high offer redemption rates (anywhere from 15%- 50%).
Can I order any quantity?
Can I have a portion of the order mail and have the rest sent back to me?
Yes. Shipping costs are additional.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Mastercard, Visa, American Express, checks and money orders are all acceptable forms of payment. Full payment is due 5 days prior to ship or mail date.
What is your standard production time?
Production time varies depending on your print project. For the Accumag, normal production time is 2-3 weeks from proof approval to the ship or mail date. In-home date depends on USPS travel time to the targeted mail destination.
Can you bill my shipping account?
Yes, for UPS accounts only, but a packaging/handling fee will apply.
What Accumag mailer postcard sizes are available?
Standard solo mail sizes are 5.5” X 11”, 5.5” X 8.5” and
4.25” X 10.5”. These standard sizes are mailable and meet postal standards for saturation mailing.
Check with your Sales Associate to insure that custom sizes meet mailing requirements.
Do you have stock creative that I can print my store information on?
Yes. Contact a Sales Associate for more details. 1-877-511-2228.